WYAE.de - IT Security, KnowHow & Software


WYAE - Licenses & Support


Software available on this webpage usually is published under an open source license - smaller work under a X11 / MIT (or: Modified BSD) style license, bigger projects usually under GNU Public License. For details see the individual software documentation.

Software Support / Consulting

Need professional support? Me and my colleagues are available as IT-Security consultant for hire. Just contact me...

For Free: this is open source - so you can solve the problem yourself and submit a patch or documentation thus enhancing the product/documentation. There were mailing lists available for users/developers, sorted by (major) projects.

Please support me!

Feedack and participation

  • ... are the fuel that keeps development under steam. E-Mails with bug reports, feature requests and (if possible) patches help me keeping the projects on track.

Material (Brainware, Hardware, Ressources)

  • Well, this list used to be longer and more diverse. But then my projects proceed faster than I used to update this list. And I am actively trying to reduce clutter and energy-hogging devices. So if you are not sure whether and what to send me please just ask.