WYAE.de - IT Security, KnowHow & Software

Open Software by WYAE usually did not start as big project but clever collections of tiny, sometimes even simple tools that measurably ease the expert's work.

Sometimes the small tools simply stay just that - but sometimes they grow into fully fledged software suites, like e.g. FW1Rules or its successor, the FWdoc firewall documentation system.

Please refer to a separate page for support and licenses.


WYAE - Licenses & Support

Licenses Software available on this webpage usually is published under an open source license - smaller work under a X11 / MIT (or: Modified BSD) style license, bigger projects usually under EUROPEAN UNION PUBLIC LICENCE (EUPL). For details see the individual software documentation. Software Support…


Convert-Threema - format threema chat exports

Convert-Threema converts threema chat exports into a simple HTML page, placing media where they appeared in the conversation. Threema unfortunately keeps changing the archive format every year. m( Runs under Linux and *BSD. Installation unpack the TAR file and place the appropriate .SH file in th…


InStoDE - Interactive Story DEvelopment

InStoDE ist ein einfaches Tool zur Erstellung von interaktiven Stories - wie man sie vielleicht in analog aus den klassischen Soloabenteuer-Büchern ("Lone Wolf") kennt. Jetzt aber zum Klicken. Die Idee ist an sich nicht neu - da gibt es schon länger entsprechende Tools aus der Frühzeit der Computere…


journalogs v24.2.154 - simple but effective journald monitoring

Purpose JOURNALOGS analyzes the last hour's JOURNALD entries for alerts = to-be-notified-about entries unknown issues and sends an email whenever there are any. It pretty much works similar to logcheck - but on journald instead of regular logfiles. Installation place the *_pattern files in /usr/l…


MoSheL v2.1.8 - Lightweight, local server monitoring

MoSheL (MOnitoring with SHEll Locally) is a simple, lightweight (both in size and system requirements) server monitoring package designed for secure and in-depth monitoring of single or multiple typical/critical internet systems. As most of the servers/services I want to monitor are remote systems,…


VENEv = Volker's & Enno's Nessus Evaluation

The Nessus security scanner by Tenable is a valuable tool for security consultants performing network audits. Unfortunately it does lack a quick overview over the vulnerabilities (supposedly) found. This tool will extract such a re-sortable overview as CSV table from a Nessus export. Requirements P…


zzz - Retired Firewall Tools

These tools were used to produce documentation from firewall configuration files. Sometimes necessity is no longer given (e.g. ReadConfig), sometimes I just moved on and have no more need to use the software myself. The latest firewall documentation system FWdoc was intended to producinge a vendor-…


zzz - Retired Software

Open Software by WYAE usually did not start as big project but clever collections of tiny, sometimes even simple tools that measurably ease the expert's work. Software in this section no longer is actively developed by me. Sometimes necessity is no longer given (e.g. ReadConfig), sometimes I just mo…